
Where To Put Copper Lubricant On Glock

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  1. Sorry for all the G17 threads, but this is my first gun and I have nowhere else to go for advice. I shot information technology at the range the other day, had a few feed errors at showtime only that was from limp wristing it (I was too nervous) and the guy next to me who was a light-green beret said that new guns sometimes have to be broken in, he put a lil oil on it, I shot 150 rounds, no more bug.

    Anyway...I field stripped and cleaned information technology with Hoppes materials, following a actually overnice internet instruction page with pictures. Merely I think I inadvertently removed that coppery stuff which the manual says not this a huge consequence? I oiled (slightly) the slide track with Hoppes.

  2. Don't worry almost it.

    Yous could literally practice just almost anything you lot desire to a Glock. As far equally lubrication goes, go yourself some gun oil, apply it sparingly, and wipe her down. That'south information technology :)

  3. VHinch

    VHinch Member

    Dec 24, 2002
    Zip to worry about on removing the factory lube.

    Your Glock does non demand a break in flow, and that guy'due south "dark-green beret" almost likely came from the army navy surplus store.

    Did you utilise Hoppes No. 9 on the slide rail, or one of their lubricants? They are not one in the same. The No. 9 is a cleaner, what you demand on the slide runway is lube.

  4. I have two bottles, No. nine solvent, which I used to clean out the butt with a rod (equally well as the brush) and also cleaned the frame and slide. I also accept the Lubricant, which I used per the instructions I found here.

  5. Considering you lot can coffin a glock, pee on it, shoot it with a .22, throw it out of a aeroplane, drag it behind a truck, freeze information technology in ice, hit it with a hammer, and Notwithstanding shoot just fine, I dubiety it will notice you removed a trivial copper-colored goo from the rails. :)
  6. OH NO! You removed the magic Glock juice! You'll be lucky if it doesn't kaboom upon chambering the next circular! :p

    Agree with the others, you'll be fine.


  7. I'd wager that more Glocks are damaged past cleaning them than by not.

    Don't worry about the copper lube. I call up it's just anti sieze anyway.

  8. Pretty certain the copper lube is preservative they put on it at the factory, the manual says to shoot it without removing the copper lubricant, just let it rub in/off by firing. But I don't recollect it's a big bargain either fashion, a case of what'due south best beingness beneficial just not actually important.
  9. Yous must accept seen the same demo from a Glock rep style back in the 1980's that I did!
  10. If it starts beeping faster and faster runn speedily away from it that means its going to self destruct.

    There is a concealed fifteen magaton plasma bomb in the slide, and if yous remove the copper lube.............

    Beep beeep beep kaaaaabooooooom

    Merely kidding, oil it with a Q tip and y'all will exist ready to roll.

  11. You removed the "copper" that was applied?! That's bad! That copper stuff isn't'due south microscopic trackers that the BATFE forces Glock to utilize at the factory so they can track these high capacity firearms. :what:

    That "failure" you experienced, that was not a failure! That was the FBI locking your pistol for a firearms violation!! :neener: An arrest warrant has probably automatically printed and volition arrive in the mail. :banghead:

    I tin can't believe that, "...the guy next to (yous) who was a green beret said that new guns sometimes have to be broken in, he put a lil oil on it". He should have known these details. :D He must be a double agent.

    Welcome to The High Road. Promise you lot're wearing your boots. It can get deep around here.

  12. You can get more "copper" stuff from whatever automotive parts store. Information technology is anti-sieze compound.
  13. I assume the castor you said you lot cleaned the butt with is the spikey borebrush that looks like an angry pipage cleaner right?

    If then, you don't actually demand that on a gun with few rounds through it.

  14. CWL

    CWL Member

    Jan 6, 2003
    you've got to relax. Call up that your G17 was made for war. Information technology was meant to be issued to teenagers to be carried and kicked around, constantly be exposed to dirt, grime, mud, blood, diesel oil, chemicals, solvents & whatever else exists on a modernistic battlefield. With memories of the Russian Front, the polymer frame and tenifer coated slide is meant to work in high rut, high humidity and sub freezing temperatures and nevertheless push out bullets.

    What can yous practise to it that could remotely match a combat environs?

    It's only a gun. Follow the written directions in the owners manual, and the 4 Rules and you will be fine.

  15. ROTFLMAO, later on spilling java on my keyboard!

    newbie4help, no worries. It's nothing more than than a lubricant.
    Besides, you may want to effort grece on the rails instead of oil. I switched to grece few months ago and i similar it. seams cleaner, doesn't drip, and yous really need tiny chip of it to make the slide cycle smooth. likewise that, i just make clean my glock with BrakeFree CPL or Hoops 9 diameter cleaner, and I don't lubricate at all. Just greace on the slide rails. Never had a trouble that fashion with whatsoever of my pistols.

    EDIT TO ADD: i don't lubricate considering CPL already does that for me when cleaning. and hoops ix bore cleaner is a preservative of metal already. so no need for extra glutinous oil IMHO.

  16. I realize you lot're new Newbie4help, but in that location are a few rules you need to know.

    You own a Glock and there are a few things specific to Glock that you lot are obligated to exercise.

    You must NEVER admit a Glock failed. Even if it does neglect, you are supposed to lie and deny. This takes us to some other rule.

    It's e'er the ammo. If, my some miracle, you lot take a fai... I mean something isn't perfect with your Glock it's Always the ammos fault. Gun blows up in your manus, blame the ammo. Shell gets stuck in slide or chamber, it's the ammo.

    If some one comes along and tells y'all that Glocks aren't the terminal word in handguns, you must immediately throw yourself on the ground and scream similar a baby "Information technology HAS LESS PARTS"!!!!! Shaking your legs and fists in the air is likewise recommended.

    Did you see how well VHinch did his duty? That service member that y'all say was a Light-green Beret made the fatal error of implying that your Glock wasn't perfect so you are gratis to question his service to this country, the chastity of his sister and offer the curve his mother over. I promise y'all are taking notes.

    Note Rino451'due south advice. Don't clean it, just practice as Conquistador advises "pee on it".

    Ok, I hope you got all this down. Just in case here a few other rules for a new Glock owner and all gun owners in full general Delight DO Have NOTE OF THESE:





    ;) Savour your new gun. Take care of information technology and it volition take intendance of you.

  17. BTW, in that location will E'er be a Green Beret no matter where you get shoot. Maybe a Navy Seal, and peradventure even a Delta Force operator. ;)
  18. Stinger: And peradventure they were all three, earlier they got thrown out of the service after their super-hole-and-corner squirrel undocumented blackness missions went wrong, in which they did things that nobody is cleared to know about (which is why he'south telling a stranger at a gun store).
  19. They, GLOCK, similar for it to be on there for break-in only no problem if you remove it. Utilise very little oil to relube, one drib on berrel and rub it all over, ane drib in rail cuts on slide, one drib on slide rails (on frame) and a very little on the raised rail on the underside of slide behind the receiver face. A trivial oil on a rag to wipe down the outside of the slide. GLOCK'southward like very footling lube.
  20. Every bit others take said, you'll be fine.

    Want a cheap lube for your Glock rails? Become to your local auto parts store and buy a tube of Lithium Grease. I put a some on the frame runway and the slide. You don't demand much, don't slather it on. It stays put and is nice and slick. I thin a tube ran me less than $5. Don't become the aerosol tin can, it'll spray all over. This stuff looks like a tube of toothpaste. Hardware stores may also carry it likewise. I bought the NAPA brand stuff.

    Otherwise, #nine takes the hard crud off and Breakfree CLP (also from Walmart) lubes and protects everything else.

  21. He may have been trying to be encouraging, rather than merely saying something like "man upwards and quit limp wristing the damn affair . . ."
  22. That's with or without the magic Glock juice even so.. :neener:
  23. I ingested the magic Glock juice. It gave me superhuman powers. I've never bought a new Glock and then I never had the event. If I did buy a new one I'd leave it on though. Any other makes put this copper stuff?
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Where To Put Copper Lubricant On Glock,


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